Rates and Packages

All packages includes below facilities

  1. Access to games like board games, badminton, basketball, Carom, Playing cards
  2. Free parking on premises
  3. Access to common amenities like hall, swimming pool, play area and area within the farm boundaries
  4. On demand tour inside farm by a person to share information about trees and plants
  5. For availability and correct rates please contact us via phone/ whatsapp on +91 9223906406

DayTea or coffee, Breakfast, Lunch, Evening tea or coffeeRs. 1000 per person
24-hourTea or coffee, Breakfast, Lunch, Evening tea or coffee, Dinner, Access to a family room Rs. 1800 per day per person
Dormitory (24 Hours)This is a big room which can accommodate 10-12 peopleRs 1800 per day per person
(Group discounts available)